Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!


Adult Create Your Own Adventure

Make your own adventures by listing the things on your bucket list! Does it include visiting a museum, special vacation? Share the top five things on your bucket list that you hope to accomplish some day! Or maybe this summer!  Go forward and adventure!

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10 Pts

Awesome Animals!

Are you an animal lover? Are you a person who always has to have a pet? Some people love animals and want to be surrounded by various pets. Other people have a  lifestyle that does not make it possible to have a pet. Some people love movies and books about animals.

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Book Cover Challenge (Heroes)

You know that saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”?  Well, no judging here, just fun!

This mission challenges you to recreate your favorite book cover using whatever objects, people, and pets you have around the house and share it with us. 

If you don't have the book with the cover you want to recreate at home, you can browse and borrow books on NPL’s catalog.

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Community Connections

A list of activities to help you engage with your community in new and meaningful ways.

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10 Pts

Fabulous Friendships

Friends are a very important part of one's life.  You do not need many friends to be happy. You can be just as happy or even happier with a few close friends that you know you can depend on.  Many animals enjoy the company of another animal or human. One of your best friends could be your pet.  Friends help you get through life's tough spots and they are also there to enjoy the good times with you.

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10 Pts

Heroes Everywhere!

Heroes are all around us. We see them on the news, we read books about them, and we watch movies that have our favorite heroes in them.  Some heroes are fictional or make-believe characters such as Superman or Wonder Woman.  Many heroes are actual people.  We  consider fire fighters, doctors, and nurses to be examples of everyday heroes.  Some heroes are animals.  We sometimes hear stories of how a dog saved his family from a fire or some other danger.  You will find people in your own life that you consider to be a hero.  Heroes are everywhere!

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Kindness Counts

Do something nice and show kindness to others! These activities are great ways to show your generosity.

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Mission 4: Friendship

Did you know that reading fiction has been scientifically shown to increase our ability to empathize with others?

Empathize (verb) : to share and understand the feelings of others.

Our goal is to have a selection of books that are mirrors as well as windows for our community.  That means, we hope you see yourselves in some of the stories on our shelves  and we hope some stories offer a view you might not have thought or known about before.

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Random Acts of Kindness

Small gestures make the most difference on a daily basis. It's easy to get so preoccupied with our own lives that we forget about others, but with just one simple act of kindness, we can change the way someone else's day goes, and we can better ourselves and the world in the process. This challenge is designed for you to take the time to do something for someone else — and hopefully they will pay it forward to the next person!

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Share the Joy

Let's work together! Complete the activities below with your little one.

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10 Pts

Share Your Story

Little ones have active imaginations! Have your child tell you a story and fill in the questions below based on the story they told you.

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Read the short story below and answer the questions.

Jack, Betty, and Matt love the fall season. They like jumping into the pile of leaves. Jack likes the pretty colors. Betty likes to make a big pile with the leaves. Matt likes to hide in the leaves.

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Storytelling Mission (Biography)


“Storytelling offers us the gift of being seen.” 

--Fenton Lutunatabua 

This quote comes from the book How Your Story Sets You Free (2019) a book we purchased to help us explore stories this summer at the library.  (You can borrow it!)

Biographies are non-fiction (true) stories about someone's life written by another person. Autobiographies are stories written by the person who lived it. Memoirs are an individual's memories about a specific time or event in their lives. Let’s jump right in with a few activities to get us imagining our stories. Do one of the activities or all of them, it’s your story!  (Completed Missions are worth 10 points towards your end goal of 1000 points.)

Have fun!  We’ll see you Wednesday at 3:30 pm in the NPL YA Zoom Room.

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10 Pts

Teen Writer's Block

Every writer has moments when their mind goes blank. It can be frustrating and annoying when you really want to write something, but just don’t know where to start. Use the following activities to help you turn that blank page into an unforgettable story!

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What Counts As Reading? (Animals)

Think reading is just about books?  This summer all reading counts and we’re about to get creative in how we think about reading.    This week’s mission challenges you to re-image the story we tell ourselves about what reading is and who we are as readers.

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10 Pts

Your First Mission - Biographies!

Biographies and autobiographies are non-fiction stories. They are stories about a person's life.  If a person writes a story about another person's life, that is called a biography. If a person writes a story about his/her life, that is called an autobiography.

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